Channel: Apron Strings » St Patrick’s recipe
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No Bake Kiwi Lime Cheesecake Tarts with a Gingersnap Crust

Kiwi Lime Tart square

Kiwi Lime Tart

In a few days, the Kelly family will observe St Patrick’s Day, which for us involves dressing up in crazy green clothes, inviting strangers to kiss us because of our heritage and – this is my favorite part – eating green food. Ok, in honor of tradition we also make Irish stew, colcannon and soda bread rolls.

As a young bride, my guinea pig for my self tutorial in the kitchen was The Hubs. All I can say is that it is a good thing he loves me, because otherwise my cooking would have driven him screaming into the street. Case in point: Corned Beef. In a microwave oven.

In the late 1970′s, microwave ovens were new fangled inventions. They were large and expensive and we got one as a wedding gift in 1977. No one knew how to cook with one. No one we knew even had one. I did my share of experimenting, and scraped exploded food off the roof of the oven almost daily. Do not ever, ever try cooking a “soft boiled egg” in the shell in a microwave. Trust me on this.

I did manage to figure out that the microwave oven took less time to cook food than a regular oven. So, My calculation in 1977 went like this: regular corned beef = 4 hours in the oven; so, hmmm . . . microwave oven will take less time, so microwaved corned beef = 2 hours.

I plopped the corned beef in a 9 by 13 and into the microwave and set it on HIGH for TWO HOURS. Looking back, it is amazing that we didn’t burn the house down. We left to go to see the newly released movie “Grease” and returned to thick smoke that billowed out of the  house when we opened the door and a substance that was the exact size and texture of a red brick. Whenever my husband wants to keep me humble about my cooking, he asks with a twinkle in his eye “Remember the Red Brick Corned Beef?”

These days I cook all our beloved traditional foods and then make a dessert that is green. Hence, these little tarts. They are creamy and yet tart. And I’d like to thank Mother Nature for making kiwis green – perfect for St Patrick’s Day.

Kiwi Lime Tart with a Gingersnap Crust

Kiwi Lime Tart with a Gingersnap Crust

Irish Blessings to You All!

– posted by Donna

No Bake Kiwi Lime Tarts with a Gingersnap Crust

1 cup crumbs from gingersnap cookies
2 tablespoons melted butter
8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 cup vanilla flavored Greek yogurt
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Juice and zest of one lime

Mix gingersnap crumbs with butter and then divide evenly among 4 one-cup ramekins. Spoon into ramekins and smooth tops of crumbs.

Mix remaining ingredients (and add a few drops of green food coloring if you desire). (I added about two drops.) Divide evenly and spoon into ramekins.

Chill until set. Garnish with slices of kiwi on top.

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